Work With Us


English Language Ireland works in partnership with Education partners from across the world to provide students with high quality and fully immersive English language learning experiences.

We are committed to developing close professional relationships with all our partners, to allow them to broaden their offerings to clients and to afford them the opportunity to offer learning opportunities in the real Ireland.

If you are interested in partnering with English Language Ireland, please contact us for further details and to receive our Partners’ Pack.

If you already have received the password to our Partner’s Pack page you can access it now.

Partners Pack

Host Families

If you would like to apply to become a Host Family for our international students, then we would love to hear from you. Please contact us to receive an application form. Please note that in order to be approved as a Host Family, you will have to be Garda vetted, and we will also first arrange an inspection visit of your home before assigning students to you.


If you would like to apply for a teaching position with us, either for our Summer programmes for junior students or our year-round programmes for adults, please also contact us with a letter or e-mail of application and a copy of your CV.

Accreditations Co-ordination English Language Services logo
Cambridge English Language Assessment logo
Marketing English Ireland logo
Education in Ireland logo
Erasmus+ logo for footer
PON logo for footer
Trinity logo for fotter